Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Nascent Relations

It's almost a month since I last blogged..
I have lots to share..
This is going to be a long post..


Last Saturday..I had humongous plans for the television.
The new episodes of "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody" were about to be aired on Disney Channel.
Followed by Bruce Willis' "The Kid"
And then some Tommy Lee Jones' movie on HBO.
And of course PBB's the Big Night..
But I wasn't able to watch even one of those shows because the heavens decided to go all violent on me and poured down gallons and gallons of rain and wind..(uh..what's air's unit of measurement?..physical chemistry..come back to me..)..
Anyway...with nature in all its splendor..she wanted all eyes on her..the damned electricity was cut off: the very reason of my sanity..electricity was my friend when my mom decided i cannot go swimming..
So I was expecting a hot, dark, humid night..but it didn't turn out horrible after all.
Without the television, I got to bond with my family.
My sister and I decided to sit down outside and watch the rain. It was beautiful. We were singing on the top of our lungs since no one can hear us thru the thunder.
Then when the bolts of thunder stopped crashing on the earth's atmosphere, we went inside, she slept.
I, on the other hand, asked my Florante and Laura-reciting father a simple question that had us discussing mysterious matters up to one o'clock in the morning.
My father watches Eli Soriano, I believe that in his heart, he isn't Catholic anymore.
Anyway, I asked him how people in that religion ask for penance from their sins.
He told me that you ask for forgiveness from the one you have hurt and from God Himself.
After that came the lecture of how Christ would descend from the heavens on a cloud on Judgment Day.
Of how we will be judged.
Of why we should do good.
Of how everything was in accordance to the will of God.
And then to how Rizal wasn't supposed to be our national hero.
Of how Bonifacio was the rightful one.
And finally, of how life itself has got no point.
I always knew my father was a deep person.
But I never knew just how deep and complex until that night power supply failed me.
Pop was wonderful and I learned a lot.
It's surprising how most of us get to talk about GOd only when there is no other thing left to do.

Second: Enrollment

3E Pharmacy
New set of classmates.
But I'm still grateful.
I've got a wonderful schedule.
And oh!
I won't have to climb four flights of stairs.
All our classrooms are located in the first two floors of the main building.

Third: Dong Bang Shin Ki (Finally!!My favorite topic)

I'm waiting for the photobook.
It did scrape off a lot of bucks from my bank account.
But it gave me lots of happiness..
And I finally got to watch those banjun's!!
Dangerous Love!!---->funny as hell..
I'm loving Jae even more..
ANd I've got the World Cup High!!
Go Taegeuk Warriors!RED DEVILS!GO COREA!Bwahaha!
How can I not support them when these is how it's advertised?
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
^^That shirt is on sale. Money..please pour down from the heavens!!
^^Jae's number's 33.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
^^The one biting his nails?
^^Oh, that's my future lover.
^^He would be fathering my twelve children.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
^^And beside my eyeliner wearing boy-toy is his man-lover..
^^Bwahahah!Jaeho is the best gay kop-ur.
^^P.S. The love of my life is not gay. He's just pretty as hell.

Pictures: Credits to Crystal of Bellemode.:)

In two years time, Rhea, Ate Hatty and I would be in Korea.

I swear I'm going to inhale the air he breathes before I look for a darned job.

Jae Joong wait for me.


What I learned?

I'm going to die an old maid.

All because of Jae Joong.

When it hurts, it's real.

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