Saturday, July 15, 2006


JULY 14, 2006--> The one and only thing that isn't right about this day was that I was here in the Philippines and Dong Bang Shin Ki's in Malaysia having their concert. I would have been there if not for issues concerning parental desicion-making. I remember exactly two months ago:

MAY 14, 2006:
It was Mother's Day.
I wrote my diary entry for Kim Jae Joong.
I woke up late from a brandy-filled sleep.
My eyes were puffed like hell because of two hours of continuous crying.
I hated my mother more than anyone in this world that day. Ironic right?
I was supposed to be thanking her and saying my I-love-you's.

But I wasn't. Guess why? She didn't allow me to go to Malaysia. I hated her because I would have wanted that as an early gift for the celebration of my 18th birthday this year. I was willing to pay for it and close my bank account that I have had since I was 7. I was willing to spend all my Christmas and birthday money for a mere sight of Kim Jae Joong dancing again up in stage. 18 years of monotony that might have ended yesterday if my mother got a little open-minded and optimistic. Did I tell you she promised me she would allow me? But yeah..the promise turned out to be a ruse. It snapped with one phone call from my aunts in Dubai. They didn't help much.

And so. I wasn't able to type this up yesterday due to bone-deep depression.
I spent all day yesterday imagining what Jae Joong was doing.
Pathetic as hell.


Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.