Thursday, November 30, 2006


Prayer before Sleep

Dear God.

I know I have not been an active member in the Church.
I have not confessed since my high school retreat.
I can count the number of times I attended mass this year.
I often doubt my faith.
I am a sinner.
I hurt a lot of people.
But Lord.
I want to change.
Or more specifically.
I want to take part in your mission.
The procreation part of that mission.
I want to bear and raise twelve beautiful individuals.
I know it's unacceptable to ask conditions.

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Let this man be the father.
Post Script.
The dark night and the cold wind got me into un-sane mode again.
I am far from joking.
I love you God.
Cnong Malala?
*raises hand*
I forgot.
I got this from Bellemode.

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