Friday, April 07, 2006

Family Portrait

Are there mail-order friends or company?
Cause if there are please send me one!?
I am pathetic.
You know Wade?
That computer-whiz in Kim Possible?
I feel just like him.
I have got a computer and a white cat as company.
That's right.
My parents have suddenly morphed into cat-loving people.
My mother actually brings home goodies for the cat.
Although he wasn't bought.
Rather, she was just some stray who has found love and attention here in our home.
My father who used to carry marbles in his pocket to hit dogs?
There he is, petting the kitty.
I really don't understand people.
I don't expect much from my brother and sister.
My sister who has got her thumb working twenty-four hours texting some person.
My brother who spends his time playing the guitar.
And take note.
I beg him to share his knowledge and what does he do?
He makes music cracking his big toe bone.
My family is weird.

What I learned?
When you are alone, your mind travels real far.
And you suddenly dream of becoming a novelist.

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