Monday, July 03, 2006

Routh is Fire!

"Superman Returns"
Watched: June 30, 2006
Where: SM St. Lazarus..hehe..
Money spent: 140 (cinema) + 75 (food) + 20 (fektyur) = do the math.
Halay Meter: Tingtingtingtingting!!-->this is not unexpected considering the fact that Rhea and I were together. Zhar! I never thought ha! Dalaga k n sign of Joplanne and Lai..hehe.

Brandon Routh is sin..err..lust.. personified!
He looked unhuman.
Now that I think about it..
He does look superhuman.
Super good looks.

Super hot bod.
Note: Ky Zhar ang ulo at abs.
Ky Rhea..Paa n lng iyo!!
Ky akin..ang kambyo bow..
Halay meter on the go..!!

Super flying choreography.
Super limited "vocabulary".
There wasn't much dialogue in the film.
But it was still very enjoyable.
The famous line..
"I'm always around."
And oh!
Spoiler: He's a superdada too.:)

Jae..don't be jealous.
Your still number 1!


Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.