Thursday, August 10, 2006

Cobweb-infested mind

xtine stops typing phar chem 2 related literature for a while giving way to ranting.
xtine tries to breathe deeply but then stops because she feels her eardrums are about to pop from nasal congestion.
xtine gets the sweat-soaked pharma shirt beside her and blows her nose.
*half-breathes deeply*
damn it. the lungs are having a hard time handling air.
soccer training earlier was quite fun.
i think i burned a lot of carbs.
then i went home and ate a lot of carbs to replace the burnt ones.
but then i didn't have colds before training.
and now I have colds.
*shivers because of the electric fan*
It's necessary to keep the mosquitoes at bay.
The electric fan I mean.
xtine would end this soon.
xtine needs to type again.
xtine hopes two pages are enough.
xtine believes she didn't make any sense.
xtine is freaked out by referring to herself as xtine.
xtine can't stop.
she did stop though.


ttik said...

amazing rantings! hahaha!

omfg! that pharchem 2 is so not right! grrrrr! revalida! damn it!

Xtine said...

thanks kit..
bket nagbago n name mo?:)