Friday, September 08, 2006

Dong Bang.I miss!

I had to go through a whole-week of Dong Bang deprivation.

Which included:

1. The gargantuan pile of returned test papers. The results were quite good to me.

2. A four-page quiz on autonomic drugs

3. Mysterious phone calls from cunning executives..(read: self-centered bitches)

4. A one hour Intelligence Quotient critiquing session with Sir Tubon and classmates

5. A shameless game with Jacq done in front of the whole class..(talk about Maa'm Kara's alternative teaching techniques!)

6. Shrieking over very talented individuals, flying balls and identity problems.
(One..uhm..guy?..even got my attention and undying support, for just a moment there, while he was gracing the sports' complex floor with his sweat. Hahahaha!)


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7. Jae Joong Oppa, must I shift to Medical Technology for a chance to see you in person?
I missed you terribly!!

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You and your tongue and your new hair that is..:)
I must not suffer such deprivation again.:)

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