Sunday, September 03, 2006

Yaoi Randomness

I really have to go back to my old sleeping pattern.
Although it sure is fun to sleep late.
But I really keep wasting my day.
The time I wake up gives me about two hours to say farewell to the sun.

So, I've been reading a YooSu-JaeHo fanfic just now.It's yaoi.
Yaoi- guy to guy
I feel so giddy.
I'm weird like that.
I've always loved reading fan fiction.
It started with Hiei and Kurama..that's Vincent and Dennis of Ghost Fighter.
And then Ranma.
And then came out the Ken-Rainie.
Ans since then, I've focused myself to reading "normal" fics.
Boy-girl that is.
I have written two fics myself, which btw up to now is still waiting for a conclusion.

To Catch A Player's Heart.
That fic is love!
I can't even begin to explain how giddy I felt while reading it.

Check this out.
One of my favorite parts.
I'm crazy I know.

I rush out of my room, hair still wet and clothes sticking tightly to my damp skin. I’d barely gotten a chance to dry myself off before I heard the phone ringing. As I reach the phone, the doorbell begins ringing madly, and loud, harsh knocks are made against the front door. I stand there, not knowing whether to answer the door or answer the phone. But both problems are taken care of when my mom opens the door for me, revealing Min Sun with a tear streaked face and a cell phone hanging in her hands.

Well that explains who was calling me a few moments ago.

My mom gasps at the sight of her, and stumbles back before realizing her rudeness and ushers Min Sun in. After staring at Min Sun for a while longer, my mom quickly makes her way back into the kitchen.

I glance over at the clock and it reads 7.

She runs towards me and collapses in my arms sobbing. I would have thought she was all out of tears.

“Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” I ask in a soft tone, afraid that I’ll break her if I speak any louder than a whisper.

Gently rubbing her back, I guide her towards the living room and help her sit down on the sofa. I pull a soft cushion behind her back and she easily sinks in the soft fluff.

“He broke up with me.” It would have sounded odd to me since I’m her boyfriend and all, but it didn’t since I knew.

“Who?” I ask, patiently listening.


I nod my head sympathetically and ask, “What do you want me to do about it?”

In a situation like this, I’m asking her what I can do for her. I should learn to be mean or at least learn how to be a boyfriend.

“Bring him back,” she wails.

And like she’s just asked for a wish from the genie in a bottle, I stand up ready to grant it.
“It’s okay Min Sun,” I soothe. “I’ll bring him back. In the meantime, I’ll take you home okay?”

Nodding her head weakly, she manages to stand on her own before I put my hands on her shoulders and walk her towards the door. Upon putting on my shoes – she never took hers off – we walk down the sidewalk past five houses before turning at her house. I walk her to her door, and ask if she has the key. Nodding, she hands it to me and I insert it into the keyhole before taking it out and twisting the knob. The lights are off, so I search blindly for the switch. When I find it, I flick it on and set the key on a table nearby. The living room is visible so I guide her there and sit her down. Giving a soft smile, I begin to head for the door but before I leave, she grabs my wrist, tugging me back gently.

“You’ll bring him back to me?” she asks. I notice now how red and puffy her eyes are.

Forcing myself to smile, I respond, “Of course.”

As soon as I leave her house, I begin running blindly towards the café. It’s closed by now.

Before I can make any rash decisions, like choosing to jump over the fence into the café’s garden and risk getting arrested for trespassing, I find Park Yoochun casually leaning against the lone lamp post partially hidden behind a large oak tree. Standing there, the light illuminates his upturned face. Park Yoochun’s eyes are closed and if he weren’t standing, I would have thought he had fallen asleep.

My breath comes out in pants from all the running I’ve been doing. Leaving the sidewalk and cutting across the small lawn of pebbles, I reach him.

Upon my first step, he tilts his head and opens his eyes. I continue walking towards him, our eyes interlocked.


After leaving the park, I had driven around endlessly. Somehow, I just ended up here. I didn’t even bother climbing into the garden. I just walked behind the tree, cutting off my ties with civilization for the moment.

The first crunch of pebbles told me someone was here. Looking up, I spot Junsu breathing harshly as he takes a few more steps towards me. Stopping a foot away from me, he asks in a whisper, “I know this is stupid, but do you think you could take her back?”

I scoff and turn my head away.

“Park Yoochun-” with a gasp, he pauses when I turn my gaze back to him.

“You’re too nice,” I tell him.

He shakes his head and continues, “She was crying a lot.”

I nod.

“So take her back and don’t break her heart,” he says.

I shake my head.

If I take her back, then his heart will be broken. And isn’t that the reason why I broke up with her in the first place?

He stays silent for a minute, as if trying to decide what to say next.

“I think she loves you,” he whispers.

I shake my head.

“Goddamnit say something! Take her back!” he yells suddenly. His hands are curled in fists, and he’s stomping the ground with one foot.

“I can’t,”

He looks at me and desperately asks that annoying little word.


Suddenly, as if my body has a mind of its own, I find myself walking towards him, covering the distance between us. Grabbing his chin and almost stepping on his feet, I glare down hard.

Then, I bend down and kiss him.

1 Mississippi
2 Mississippi
3 Mississippi
4 Mississippi
5 Mississippi
6 Mississippi
7 Mississippi
8 Mississippi
9 Mississippi
10 Mississippi

“That’s why,” I whisper more to myself than to him before walking away.

I think I’ve found my answer.

Isn't that sweet??
I love Yoosu!!
Here's the link if you want to read the whole thing.
It isn't quite finished yet.

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