Thursday, June 07, 2007


I'm reading, OMG, what an ugly font, wait, let me change it.There. Trebuchet is the best font ever. Haha! Anyway as I was saying. I'm reading AND writing fics again. Since I was in high school, I've loved reading fan fiction. It's just so amazing how a lot of people are such GOOD writers.I just love it!It's just so nice reading.

So the point is, I stayed up until about one yesterday night with me reading a fic and my sister watching television. We went up, unwillingly because my mother suddenly decided to wake up in the middle of the night just to question us, sarcastically at that if we wanted to go blind. Hehe. So we decided to go up. I found my brother sleeping in my bed so I went to lie down in his bed which happened to be beside Jermaine's bed. I'm gonna give you a minute to digest that. OK? DOne? So instead of sleeping, what we did was talk about things. I asked her about what the latest gossip was around our subdivision. BECAUSe! If you needed to know anything, and I MEAN ANYTHING about ANYONE on our subdivision, it's my sister you should ask. Not that she's actually the biggest gossip around. She just knows things.Clairvoyant maybe. OR maybe not.

Haha! So, unintentionally, we talked about couples. About who's with who, who broke up with who, and stuff like that. What pissed me off, is that from her stories, every freakin' 14 year old in here has got a freakin' boyfriend. Not that I am bitter. Really. NO. It's just that my no-boyfriend-since-birth self truly wonder. WONDER. AS IN WONDER. About what, I'm not sure. Maybe about the fact that at 18. I haven't done anything. NOt just the boyfriend thing. I haven't done anything!I feel like I'm wasting my young years behind. If I was a fly, I'd be in the molting stage you know? The stage where I won't grow anymore and forever live your life flying over trash cans or if you're really unlucky, be killed by some plastic swatter over a glass table.

What could I possibly do that would make me feel like I've achieved something? I TRULY WONDER.

We probably slept at around 2: 30 am, around time when my sister said my breath stinks already. Haha! I also had a weird dream last night. I dreamt that Syler, the psychotic character in HEROES was our neighbor and he was dead-set on killing us all. Talk about "magulo ang isip". Hehe. I definitely have a lot of things, bad things in my mind.

On the bright side, I have started a fic. I am writing again. Hehe. Just a few chapters pa lang, but still, the plot has been brewing in my mind for the longest time. I started just this afternoon. I finally decided to start this one even though I still have two fics hanging. O d b? Haha! I'm wishing myself good luck for this one. I really want to finish this. I must not have writer's block.

Hay. Just a few more days. Back to school. I hope something changes. Something, that word again.

I hate it.

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