Friday, August 17, 2007


Warning: There shall be cussing, cursing and inappropriate wording in this post.

As I type this blog entry, I’m trying to forget the fucking fun fact that I now have buchi balls for cheeks. Wisdom tooth extraction must be considered a rite of passage in every freaking book in the world. It must be written in line with baptism, confirmation, communion, bar mitzvah or whatever. I am currently ice-packing my buchi ball-cheeks and biting on some gauze while typing. I have puffy Angelina Jolie-like lips which fail me whenever I try to rinse my blood-supersaturated mouth.

My mouth has been devirginized brutally, forgive the insinuation. In the four fucking hours, I have had my mouth open and I am not exaggerating that fun fact, four hands have intruded its corners, all at the same time. Steel instruments have come and gone, which in my opinion should never be used in a body orifice. One tooth had been cut in half because of its size. I initially had eight stitches but there was bleeding and so I now have nine stitches. There isn’t any pain yet because of the I-don’t-know-how-many-milliliters of anesthesia that has been injected into my poor, poor gums, but the pain would soon come and I hope my uncle gets back before that time.

Before the “surgery” started, my heart was pumping like mad. I could really feel it shaking my whole body. My lips were trembling and the two doctors were asking me if I was afraid. I honestly wasn’t. The trembling was because of the anticipation. The fear came when the two decided to talk about surgeries gone bad, about some patients fainting while the procedure was ongoing, and patients bleeding like crazy. WOW GUYS, thank you so much. Haha. How insensitive. The psychological conditioning I had for the past two weeks crumbled down in a snap.
I’m starting to feel a little pain right now, so I’m gonna go rinse my mouth with cold water. Hehe..

Did I mention that I'm on the second day of my monthly period?:)


Anonymous said...

always such a funny read christine!

Xtine said...

my god.
i miss you.
really do..:)

Anonymous said...

hey at least, cotton ball cheeks are gone! :P hahaha